Saturday, August 4, 2012

Spirit of Knowledge - Eph. 1:17

 When you encounter the revelation knowledge of God on any issue, you will become  a man and woman of exploits in that field or area. It is not enough to read, hear but to catch a revelation of what you are to become or solutions to your life. That is what makes the difference.

Ps. 62: 11 - God has spoken once, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God

It is the second hearing as stated above in the scriptures that we call "Revelation". That means you have read what Paul said, you have also read what Mathew said, and  this is now what God is saying as it relates to you. This means that Revelation makes God's word personal to you which we call "Rhema" as charismatics Christian.

Eph. 1:17 - That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. 

From scripture above, it shows that the spirit of knowledge is the same one called the spirit of revelation .

What is Revelation?

Revelation is ability to take instructions from God. Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge - Not knowing what to do is the reason why many lives are frustrated and down. And another problem is not knowing how to go about things - This is another challenge for most Christians. But the spirit of knowledge will help us to live a successful life and live about limitations.

From today you will receive solutions to your life in Jesus name. Amen

You will receive and manifest the God given destiny of yours in Jesus name. Amen.

This message continues out for more

Monday, July 16, 2012

Spirit of Wisdom

Manifesting the fullness of the Holy Spirit

Theme of the month- Supernatural manifestations of the Spirit of God

We need the power to live beyond the natural.... LIVE EXTRAORDINARY

When you receive the Spirit of the Lord, you will receive the power to:

  • Preach boldly
  • To do the extraordinary
  • To deliver people from captivity
  • AND MUCH MORE.......
Jesus manifested the SEVEN Spirits (Isa 11:2)
  1. Spirit of the Lord (the Holy Spirit)
  2. Spirit of Wisdom
  3. Spirit of Understanding
  4. Spirit of Counsel
  5. Spirit of Might
  6. Spirit of Knowledge
  7. Spirit of the fear of the Lord

Focus on the Spirit of the Lord

Acts 1:8 - '...receive power after the Holy Ghost is upon you....'
The Spirit of the Lord brings about power
Acts 10:38 - 'How God anointed the Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and Power...'
The Spirit of the Lord (Holy Ghost) and Power comes in hand in hand. They interlink.
The Holy Spirit gives power, the power that comes under authority

What does the Spirit of the Lord's POWER enable you to do?
  • It makes you function
  • It helps you overcome
  • It helps you to fear God more
  • It helps to resist the advances of the devil
  • It helps to change the impossible to possible
  • It helps to subdue the enemy
Psalm 110: 3-4

How do you know you have the power?

  • One way is by speaking in tongues Acts 2:4